
↑ Atlantic Ocean A requiem shark caught as “accidental” bycatch being hauled onto a Spanish longline fishing vessel to be sold to Asian markets. Fujifilm X-T2, Fujinon XC50-230mm f4.5-6.7 OIS II. Exposure: 1/550 sec., f/5.2, ISO 500.
Documenting Sharks in Danger
Words and Image by Tommy Trenchard
I captured this image during a research expedition by the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise to document the bycatch of sharks in international waters in the Atlantic Ocean. Unwanted bycatch is typically discarded by commercial fishing boats targeting a different species, but sharks as bycatch are kept and sold, commanding a high commercial market price in primarily Asian markets.
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Table of Contents
- The Story Behind This Touching Photo of Penguins
- What’s in Cynthia Bandurek’s Camera Bag
- Documenting Sharks in Danger
- Take Photos to Help Wildlife
- Why Tradition, Innovation & Art Go Hand in Hand
- How I Photographed Manul Cats in Mongolia
- How Art Wolfe Connects With His Photography Subjects
- 4 Ways to Capture the Subtle Patterns of Nature
- Photographing the Life Cycle of Cherry Blossoms
- A Whale of a Comeback Story: In Photos
- Photo Tips for Torres del Paine National Park
- Monkey Business: How This Photo Was Made