Issue 2024.01
Outdoor Photography Magazine Download
Get the first issue of Wild Eye magazine for free and read stories featuring stunning images and inspiring ideas from photographers Paul Nicklen, Erin Babnik, Ted Orland, Reuben Wu, Amy Gulick, David duChemin and more. Open Wild Eye and explore the very best in nature, wildlife, and underwater photography.

Featured Landscape Magazine Article
↑ Tree This was taken during powerful snowstorms that swept through Utah. The lone tree was another location I wanted to come back to, but the later we stayed, the heavier the snowfall became. I was shocked that the drone was able to fly so well under such adverse conditions.
Reuben Wu’s Otherworldly Landscapes Were Shot with an iPhone
Words by Bill Sawalich, Images by Reuben Wu
Reuben Wu has a habit of turning personal passions into creative careers. First as a designer, then a musician, and now a photographer, Wu’s artistic drive knows no bounds. His hauntingly beautiful photographs juxtapose unnatural light with the natural landscape. He is equipment agnostic, using whatever device best serves his vision, including everything from drones to LED cube lights, fiber optics to medium format digital cameras.