
How This Incredible Image of Tiny Diatoms Was Captured
Words and Image by Jon McCormack
Photographer Jon McCormack recently had a close encounter with a tiny organism that produces nearly 50 percent of the oxygen on the plant. Here’s how he describes his incredible close-up image of diatoms.
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Table of Contents
- Paul Nicklen on Keeping the Wild in Wildlife Photography
- Why Ansel Adams Still Inspires (& Confounds) Photographers Today
- Reuben Wu’s Otherworldly Landscapes Were Shot with an iPhone
- How to Develop Style in Outdoor Photography
- What Photographers Can Learn from Fish
- 3 Ways to Give Your Photos More Depth
- What’s In Wildlife Photographer Anupam Thombre’s Camera Bag?
- Why Monterey Bay Is Great for Photography
- How This Incredible Image of Tiny Diatoms Was Captured